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Korea Nongshim AL Shrimp Meat Chip (130g)
Regular price RM14
Laverland Crunch Wasabi Seaweed (x 3pcks) (4.5g per pack)
Regular price RM6.99
Laverland Crunch Sea Salt Seaweed (x 3pcks) (4.5g per pack)
Haitai Honey Butter Chip 海太蜂蜜奶油洋芋片 (60g)
Regular price RM7.90
Nongshim Flavored Onion Rings (90g)
Regular price RM12
Haitai Sindangdong Cake (110g)
Regular price RM5.97
Sampio Combo Set (50g - 110g +/-)
Regular price RM60.71